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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
a AISHWARYA'S rice +plant 30
a ARUMUGA +plant 24
a-VALLEY +plant & oval 30
agro PACE +circle & plant 35, 42
ah +plant 3
ampersand & plant 35, 41, 42
angels heart & plant 25
aqua fill +plant & drop 7
arc drop plant & hands 5
arc pot & plant 41
arcs plant & square 16, 43
arogya mandira trust +plant 44
aroma AGRO +plant 35
arrow, plant & caterpillar 5
athithi devo bhava +plant 31
au TEXTILES +plant 24
avs LEUCO f +plant 5
ayuremedi +plant & square 3
ayuremedi +square & plant 5
ayurved kidney care +plant 5
b +plant & circle 3
b +plant map & square 5
b BEJO +plant 1, 7, 31
baker's LOUNGE +plant & hat 30
plant 30
bear plant oval & square 30
beckons +plant & oval 30
bengal BLOOM +plant & circl 31
bengal's CITIZEN S +plant 30
bharat INSECTICIDES +plant 5
bharat SHAKTI +man & plant 7
bharat chhap tej +plant 34
bharat seeds corp. +plant 35
plant 31
bhavya gold +plant & square 30
bio PELLETS +plant & circle 1
bio POTS +plant & circle 1
bio care's BIOFORCE +plant 1
bio fresh +plant 16
bio xet +square & plant 3
bio-CURCUMAX +plant 5
bio-TAXIS +plant & oval 1
bird plant & circle 16
bird plant & dome 11
bird & plant 6, 7, 8, 30, 42
bird +plant 25
bird fruit plant & circle 43
birla CEM +plant 2
bombay luxury +plant 13
boro PREMIUM +plant 5
bowl plant & shield 41
boy girl plant & square 16, 36, 41
c AARSHIKA +plant 5
c ABHISARIKA malam +plant 5
c CHINTHAMANI +plant 31
c RATAMBIKA malam +plant 5
c SARIKA +plant 5
c SORAREEL malam +plant 5
camellia AXOM tea +plant ar 30
care plus +drop & plant 3
casino CARNIVAL +plant 37
ceramic GALLERY +plant 35
chai +plant & cup 30
child cow & plant 30
child hand & plant 35
chilli MORE plant protectio 5
circle plant & arrow 29
circle plant & beaker 5
circle plant & stars 31
circle plant & stripes 5
circle & plant 35
circles & plant 31
circles & plant in hexagon 31
cl CURRY LEAF +plant & chef 42
classic 131 +plant 16, 38, 41
classic 132 +plant 16, 38, 41
classic 133 +plant 16, 38, 41
classic ART +plant 24
classic SPT +plant drop ova 17
clear SKY +plant 3
color FAB +plant 25
corp VIMAL +plant & circle 21
coton plus +plant 25
cotton DESIGN +plant 24
cotton PARK shirts +plant 25
cotton WORLD +plant 26
cotton usa +plant 3
cp +plant 23
croplife india Y +plant 1
crown HERBAL +crown & plant 3
cup plant & circle 42
cup & plant 16
cvc +plant 16
d DARMONA tea +plant 30
d DHOLLA +plant 30
d-MINE +plant & flowers 25
dadar PHARMACY +plant 5
darjeeling +plant 34
deccan ZYME +plant 1
deer plant & circles 30
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